April 10, 2015


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Since all but two of the Berry siblings are gone,  I'm trying to give you this information in a different sense.  Not just by pictures of the people but by pictures of their grave sites and where they are located.  This all came about while working with my late nephew, Ed Brown, when I told him I wanted to get headstones put on some graves in Oklahoma.  That led me down the path of wanting to locate as many people as I could in the Berry Family by way of their burial place.  It has been  interesting.  Please feel free to post any comments or additional information you may have or feel is interesting.  Enjoy.

From left to right:  Ronnie Franklin, Richard Bruce, Dorothy Darlene, Virgil Rush. Vencil Lowell. LeRoy Ivan, Lenore Ann, Burness Cecile, Helen Vondell, Fern Maxine, Byrl Ray and Vernitta Veloise.

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This is Ray L. Ward.  Although he wasn't a member of the Berry Family he was a part of it.  By that I mean that he spent a lot of years living with us.  During World War II we were living on our farm just south of Dove Creek.  Dad and Virgil were the only two running two different farms and the work load was too much for them.  So, Dad went to Dolores to hire some help.  He came home with Ray.  He was only about 15 or 16 at the time and he lived with us until 1955.  He was like a brother to me and the only brothers I spent more time with was Virgil and Bruce.  Having him as part  of the family really meant a lot to all of us.  And, being a good little brother, whenever he told me to do something or gave me advice I listened to him.  Many fond memories.  I feel he needs to be recognized as part of our family.

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January 14, 2015


 Uncle Herb
 Uncle Melvin
Aug. 24, 1888
May 8, 1906
 Cousin Eldon & wife Mary
Cousin Forrest, son of Uncle Herb
Eunice, wife of Forrest
Flora was Uncle Herb's 2nd wife
Probably a Great Aunt.
Cousin Irwin.  Believe he is son of Uncle Herb
Aunt Amy, Mom's sister
Cousin Dean on Mom's side
Cousin Lyle, Dean's brother
Aura & Loyd
Loyd is brother to Dean & Lyle
This is Mary's funeral notice posted in Enid
May 2014.  Wife of Cousin Eldon.

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Alive and well in Tucson, AZ
I have two children:
Rhonda Cheryl Coghill,
Gregory Wayne Berry.
Rhonda has three children, Rebecca Charmaine Sellers, Micah Allen and Chance Lane Coghill.
Becca has three children, Kyrsten Faith,  Zachary James, and Briana Paige Sellers.
Micah has one child, Lillian Tatum Coghill.
Chance has three children, Delilah Grace, Adrian Lane and Judith Kelly Coghill.
Greg has one child, Kattiya Laurita Berry

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Bruce was born April 23, 1937 and lives in Dolores.  His wife Ernie passed away in 2014.
They had four children:
Richard Bruce jr (deceased)
Alicia Lynn  (deceased)
Charles Bruce
Perry James

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Ann is buried in Broken Bow, OK.  She was born November 6, 1934 and passed away just before her 80th birthday.
  Will try to have more pictures and information upcoming.
Ann was married to Howard Pinkard from Broken Bow.
They had four children:
 Russell Dean 
Michelle Anne
Kelley Denise
 Howard Kimball

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